Welcome to VVK API’s documentation!

With VK API wrapper you can use all possible VK API methods and pass all traffic through proxy. More detailed information about VK API you can see in the official documentation.


$ pip3 install v_vk_api


Authorization by access token

import v_vk_api

api = v_vk_api.create(app_id=1234567890, login='login', password='pass')
api.request_method('users.get', user_ids=1)
{'response': [{'first_name': 'John', 'id': 123, 'last_name': 'Doe'}]}

Authorization by service token

import v_vk_api

api = v_vk_api.create(service_token='service token')
api.request_method('users.get', user_ids=1)
{'response': [{'first_name': 'Pavel', 'id': 1, 'last_name': 'Durov'}]}


Tests will check API connection and method requesting and some other helper functions like utils and exceptions, also API needs some data to authorize, which you can provide in the file test.cfg, to run tests execute:

$ python -m unittest discover tests

NOTE: Tests can’t handle CAPTCHA